The depiction of the startup life in The Social Network falls far under my expectations. The story is too dramatized to the point that it looked obviously... exaggerated. I could empathize with why certain decisions are triggered out of emotional anger and childishness. I could make sense of the tension between the investors, or between the co-founders. What I didn't get is the portrait of the main character as a person driven only by his own ideals and anger. Perhaps, this is because the author of the story this movie is based out of never actually heard the story from the other side. Also, girls are portrayed as completely useless throughout the whole movie +_+
One thing though, Wall Street is about people wanting to win the game. Silicon Valley in this movie is also about people wanting the power, to be the people for the next big things. It certainly makes sense but these Hollywood people totally lose the point. It's that these people choose to be in the ride. Neither of the two movies successfully portrays enough what keeps people up at night, what they are truly passionate about. Excitement about the future ALONE can never be enough. These movies fail to deliver a sense of happiness of the journey.
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