
Career advice I hold close to

Hi Tu,
I am glad you are seeking advice from different people.

My opinion is that it’s pretty hard to plan a career. I have friends who’ve wanted to be IBankers or top consultants, and it hasn’t happened. VC’s been pretty hard to get into.  I don’t know how one gets into VC. I think some get in through IB experience---and that industry is in dust. Then those get in from having run companies themselves.

I think the key is this. If Vietnam is where you are committed, then go live there soon. Or if you need skills to be developed, then live elsewhere, but make sure the business is focused on Vietnam.  Where you live is where you will gain insights, meet people and understand opportunities. There are many many ways to contribute to your country other than through VC.  You might want to join the government. Setting good policies will have a much better effect at this stage. You won’t make lots of money compared to VC, but you’ll do more. My friend Kathy Lai from United World College is Deputy CEO of Enterprise International Singapore, used to be called the Trade Development Board. She isn’t rich, but she helps Singapore a ton more than commercial people.

If you want to head to being a VC, or in technology, then you must gain technical and domain expertise skills to start with.  Consulting is good, and you’ll have to suck up to the long hours. But as you discovered, what made your consulting not so fun was working by yourself and in front of a computer. Rule one of a successful career, look for a place with mentors, with people ahead of you whom you can learn from.

Some companies are reknown for excellence---join these. Unilever, Goldman, McKinsey, Johnson and Johnson, Toyota. Of course, they may not get you to VC (but then again, I don’t’ know how to do that.)

I don’t advocate planning for a career. I advocate planning to 1) Live near,at where you heart and mission is, 2) developing yourself by way of domain expertise, 3) increasing your own emotional and psychological intelligence, 4) build real, reliable and diverse relationships---this goes beyond mere networking, 5)find a life mate who respects you, wants you to grow, isn’t afraid of your power. The partnership you form with that life mate will determine your impact, your wealth and your happiness. I think #5 is the wild card.


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