
New Year Parties 2010

I hung out with so many different individuals these days.

1. That party was .. new lol My college friends never drink to show off.  They drink and drink.  The point is to have fun and chill.  This group of friends also drink to have fun but also, to a certain extent, to show off how cool they may be.  Nothing wrong.  Self-flattering is a very basic human need.

2. Expats do party hard over here.  They form a culture of "cool, fun, and well, professional" - Cool, fun, professional - huh, isn't that how I want to be too?  Am I, unconsciously, trying to integrate with them while I am, at heart, a Vietnamese?

I'm looking forward to having some in-depth conversations soon with a few of them from each group. Just to understand them, beyond the public image they form to clique with their circles in Saigon (because no doubt, Saigon's circles do not mingle - you are either this or that).  Oh yah, because you are either this or that, the hybrid me is trying my best to just... live here lol

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