
Journey in progress

Sep 1, 2009
We have learned a great deal about establishing long-term partnership and the need to set clear expectations.  We are still waiting to hear from Alex.
Meanwhile, thanks to that 2-hour conversation at 1am with Alex, the frustrated me created an official proposal to him and yola’s full lines of product ideas that include the Admissions BootCamp for the College Prep arm. 
The next day, before we know it, we are renovating our 2nd floor office 40m2 with low rental fee.  Another good twist from having our top office space on Ly Chinh Thang “stolen” by another customer.   Good key-takeaway: last-minute changes bring in even more exciting twists and turns, forcing us to try harder and think harder.
At times, I ask myself whether we go on the right direction. Admissions counseling for the rich would help those who would need it least. Why am I just one player in this whole unequal game? Why am I not helping those who would need it most? My immediate answer would just be well I need to learn how to make money, how to make a successful business first before being able to help. Yet, that answer is not satisfying enough. 
We then had a long conversation with chi My on Vinagame’s culture and history. Luck and perseverance in the initial stage, and then culture and human development for the next stage, as well as finding people experienced in business to be in leadership positions. 
Things are still very muggy and chaotic. 

September 18, 2010 – Today we organize Trung Thu for our students and parents. Auction for SEALNet. The event is big and will be stressful, and yet I feel serene. Our team has gone through so much that we are sure that our bond at least among us 3 the cofounders has been extremely tightened. And for that, I’m thankful – thankful for all the storms that brought us together.
It will be a busy time as we move on to the next chapter. We will live and work along the way – striving, hard. :) 

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